Note: Before and after business availability varies. Please note any mobile call before 8am or after 7pm will incur a $100 after-hours concierge fee in addition to the listed mobile pricing package.
Consider intravenous (IV) therapy to boost health and wellness
Do you find that you are feeling tired and run down? Are you looking for ways to boost your health and wellness and how you appear with a treatment that addresses these issues from the inside out? Our team at Anchor Wellness and Aesthetics in the Hampstead, NC, area encourages you to book an appointment to learn more about intravenous therapy and other health and beauty solutions available at the office.
Anchor believes in supporting our local military and first responders. Please reference this portion of our website to receive a 10% discount at the time of service on our mobile services and in-office vitamin IV infusions.
Anchor does not provide any mobile treatments for a service less than $120. Once within the home, other family members can receive Vitamin shots such as Vitamin B12 or Vitamin D for $30 and Lipo shots are $40.

Myers Cocktail
Perhaps one of the most widely recognized vitamin IVs, the Myers' Cocktail was created by Dr. John Myers who introduced the use of intravenous nutrient therapies in the 1960's.
Cost: $230
This IV is great for:
- Immune boosting
- Preventing illness
- Hangovers
- Athletic Performance
- Energy/Reducing Fatigue
Vitamin C
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B12
1000mls of NS or LR

Myers to the Maxx
Cost: $330
Includes maximum doses of:
- Vitamin C
- Glutathione
- Vitamin B complex
- Vitamin B12
- Zinc
- Magnesium

Super Human
This is our Cadillac margarita of IVs (or great if you've had one too many of those the day prior). It combines the biggest dosing of vitamins found in the Myers to the Maxx IV but adds Taurine and Amino Blend.
Cost: $400
Maximum dosing of:
- Vitamin C (Max dosing)
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B Complex
- Glutathione (Max dosing)
- Magnesium (Max dosing)
- Zinc (Max dosing)
- 1000 milliliters of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers
- Amino Blend (Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline)
- Taurine

Yak Attack
This package is geared towards those suffering from the stomach flu or food poisoning. It will help stop nausea, vomiting, and the dehydration that often accompanies these issues.
Cost: $230
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- IV Pepcid
- IV Zofran (anti-nausea medication)
- Taurine
- 1000 milliliters of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers

The Carolina Cure
No one wants to miss a minute of the beach, the boat, or knocking back a few cold ones with friends. Plug in, get to feeling better, and get back to all the adventures North Carolina has to offer!
Cost: $250
- Toradol
- Zofran
- Vitamin B Complex
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin C
- 1000 ml of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers

The Migraine Manager
Migraines will stop you in your tracks. Let this IV help to stop it! It includes pain medication, anti-nausea medication, a higher dose of magnesium than in the Myers' cocktail...
Cost: $280
- 1000 ml of Lactated Ringers or Normal Saline
- Toradol (anti-inflammatory, non-narcotic pain medication)
- Zofran (anti-nausea medication)
- Magnesium
- Benadryl
- Dexamethasone

Myers McNugget
Contains all of the nutrients in the Myers' Cocktail in smaller doses for children.
Cost: $180
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin B complex
- Glutathione
- Zinc
- Vitamin C
- 500 ml of Normal Saline

Saline/LR Only
Includes 1 liter of just normal saline or lactated ringers with nothing else.
Cost: $130

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)
NAD and NAD+ occur naturally in the body but deplete rapidly as we age. It plays a vital role at the cellular level in generating energy. NAD+ is one of the most important contributors to improve mitochondria which are cellular powerhouses for energy. NAD+ can also help break down fats within the liver and increase ATP which are other essential ways the body produces energy.
100mg= $100
250mg= $250
500mg= $500
750mg= $750
1000mg= $1000
**NAD+ pricing does not include the cost of fluids**
**1-liter bag of fluids when purchased with NAD+ in office $50, mobile $80**
What does all of that mean and why do you need it?
- NAD+ has been shown as a safe means of curbing withdrawals from addiction
- Boosting NAD+ levels may help a wide spectrum of diseases from cancer to diabetes
- Newer studies are showing anti-aging properties quieting genes for proteins that speed up aging
- Some research has shown that when it is administered in the intravenous (IV) form it can:
- improve mental clarity (brain fog),
- Improve concentration
- Improve memory
- Improve alertness
- Improve athletic endurance
- Reverse chronic fatigue
Meet the Vitamins

Vitamin B complex
Converts carbohydrates into energy. It breaks down fats and proteins while maintaining muscle tone and nervous system function. It builds healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Assists cellular energy production and respiration. May help relieve headaches, migraines, and rosacea.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Needed to release energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. May help with muscle fatigue, indigestion, depression, insomnia, headaches, and skin issues.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Soothes and supports adrenal glands and wound healing. May help relieve rheumatoid arthritis and lower cholesterol.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Soothes and supports adrenal glands and wound healing. May help relieve rheumatoid arthritis and lower cholesterol.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Assists cellular energy production and respiration. May help relieve headaches, migraines, and rosacea.

Vitamin B12
Vital to brain health and energy. Essential for building new blood cells, DNA, and nerve insulation. Deficiencies lead to brain fog, fatigue, and rapid aging.
May help with weight loss, chronic fatigue, MS, nerve damage, brain disorders, shingles, and headaches.
Most adults are chronically low in B12 because common medications (aspirin, antacids, PPls, antibiotics, metformin) interfere with their absorption in the stomach.

Vitamin C
A powerful antioxidant and a fantastic immune booster. Fights off illnesses and neutralizes pollution and toxic chemicals.

Known as the master antioxidant. Rapidly depleted by stress and toxins; most adults are deficient. Helps cells create energy. Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging.
Helps detoxify pollution, radiation, drugs, molds, chemicals, and heavy metals. Reduces cellular damage from things like diabetes and alcohol. May reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, autism, respiratory disease, and psoriasis.

Crucial in preventing high blood pressure, building strong bones, and maintaining a steady heart rhythm. It is very relaxing and can help with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and constipation. Reduces inflammation.

Increases immunity and helps fight colds and cancer. Natural diarrhea remedy. Essential for hormone production and proper digestion. Regulates blood sugar and fights aging. Increases fertility and muscle growth.
May help with weight loss, chronic fatigue, MS, nerve damage, brain disorders, shingles, and headaches.
Most adults are chronically low in B12 because common medications (aspirin, antacids, PPls, antibiotics, metformin) interfere with their absorption in the stomach.

Vitamin D (IM injection only)
Encourages the development of bones, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, boosts the immune system, enhances mood and decreases anxiety, and has been shown to reduce the risks of cognitive decline, heart disease, and obesity.

a miracle amino acid that can help increase energy and exercise performance. Great for active individuals or athletes and preventing exercise fatigue.

Vitamin D
Why do IV therapy?
IV therapy is used for a multitude of reasons. Some enjoy the immune boosting and athletic performance they provide. Others use them for acute reasons such as:
- Dehydration
- Food poisoning
- Stomach flu
- COVID recovery
- Hangovers
- Energy
Benefits of IV Vitamins & IV Medications
Crucial in preventing high blood pressure, building strong bones, and maintaining a steady heart rhythm. It is very relaxing and can help with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and constipation. Reduces inflammation.
- Incredibly quick onset compared to oral medications
- Ability to absorb the medication for those unable to tolerate oral medications (due to illness)
- Bioavailability, also known as the percentage of a drug/vitamin an individual truly absorbs, is 100% when given IV. Orally administered drugs and vitamins achieve a much lower bioavailability than 100% due to incomplete absorption or elimination during their pass-through within the liver.
IV Medications offered
A medication that reduces swelling and rash. Helps with allergies, insomnia and nausea, and vomiting. Anti-Inflammatory.
A medication that reduces swelling and rash. Helps with allergies, insomnia and nausea, and vomiting. Anti-Inflammatory.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat moderately severe pain and inflammation. Non-narcotic, non-addictive.
Helps with heartburn, gastric ulcers, indigestion, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
This is a corticosteroid that can treat inflammation, severe allergies, arthritis, asthma, acute respiratory infections, and nausea and vomiting.
***Any medication or vitamin can be added to any package if not already included for an additional $25 charge per add-in. If the patient meets specific criteria for a second bag of fluid beyond the first liter included in the package, an additional bag of fluid is $50***
Amino Blend
Helps the body build protein. One of the most important roles arginine plays is to promote the production of nitric oxide which relaxes blood vessels. This relaxation of blood vessels has the potential to help men struggling with erectile dysfunction that stems from poor blood flow.